SwicoSilver HiCon
SwicoSilver HiCon type is the answer to any problem in terms of conductivity. Produced by the plasma metal coating process and with conductivity values of below 0.1 ohm/cm, SwicoSilver HiCon is the yarn type with the best conductivity values in the SwicoSilver programme as well as in the highest ranking places compared to other conductive yarn solutions.

Why SwicoSilver HiCon Yarns?
SwicoSilver HiCon yarns are a part of the Plasma Metal Coated Yarns programme. Coating a filament yarn by the plasma coating method gives much better wear, a perfect level coating and little to no conductivity fluctuation compared to usual techniques of coating yarn with metal. SwicoSilver HiCon yarns are easy to process in the textile chain and products on the fashion side have a wonderful noble appearance. Furthermore, they are easy to adapt to customer's requirements such as count, conducivity or base yarn material.
SwicoSilver HiCon yarns are the only ones in the world that provide flexiblity, extraordinarily high conductivity and longevity thanks to its new production process, the Plasma Metal Coating, where no chemo-galvanical methods are used.
This is a huge advantage for demanding applications. The final product is easy care. The big problems that all other silver coated yarns have - brittleness and low adhesion - is inexistent for SwicoSilver HiCon.