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Open end spinning, also called rotor spinning, for abrasion resistant spun yarns.
Open end spinning is one of the newer spinning systems with its invention dating back to mid 20th century. Open end spinning is also known as rotor spinning or break spinning.

Open end spinning works not by a spindle but by the principles of centrifugal force: fibers are fed into a rotating turbine. Thanks to the rotation respectively the velocity, the fibers are pressed against the wall of the rotor until a certain count is reached. A nozzle then pulls the fibers off, creating the yarn.


For open end spinning, often short to medium length fibers are used. There are no special restrictions when it comes to materials. As open end (OE) spun yarns are rather coarse in count and fibers align less parallel than with other spinning techniques, it is recommended to use open end spun yarns for rather heavy and fuzzy fabrics like towels or denim.
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