SWICOFIL - Yarn and fiber expert.


Combining innovation and usability, Swicofil also offers highly functional products for the daily use.


Swicofil strongly believes in facilitating everyone's daily life by providing suitable products for cleanliness and protection against various impacts. This includes not only a distinct knowledge in these applications and providing processing companies with yarn and fiber solutions. It also means direct support in the daily life by offering end products such as odour preventing socks or anti bacterial wash clothes:


SwicoWish cleaning towels do not develop any bad smells - smartcel bioactive fiber has highest antibacteria performance thanks to the silver ions integrated into cellulose fibers
SwicoWish is a highly efficient universal fine micro fiber multi purpose cleaning towel. The unique and patented fabric compositions guarantees:
  • highest absorbance of dirt particles from most surfaces
  • perfect cleaning performance
  • antibacterial effect during lifetime of towel - no odour
  • ideal to remove dried crusts from metal without scratching



SwicoSocks to prevent your feet from smelling whilst providing fullest wearing comfort!
SwicoSocks, containing bioactive fibers, solve your problems with smelly feet!

Smelly feet are the result of bacteria populations ones feet. Bioactive fibers will not allow bacteria to grow. Consequently, your feet will never have a bad smell again!



Bluemagicballs for your laundry to prevent your clothes from smelling thanks to silver ions
Antibactera for your laundy.
Wellbeing from pure silver.

Bluemagicballs are the first environmentally friendy dosage system for silver ions worldwide. Your laundry voluntarily absorbs pieces of silver ions from the water running throguh the machine. The silver ions perform their task invisbly but very effectively and stop odour bacteria on the laundry.




BlueWish cleaning towels do not develop any bad smells - smartcel bioactive fiber has highest antibacteria performance thanks to the silver ions integrated into cellulose fibers
Antibacteria non-woven cleaning towels.
Wellbeing from pure silver.

BlueWish, the antibacterial, odour-free, highly absorbent and fuzz-free non-wovens are the ideal cleaning cloth for kitchen, bath and more. Due to silver ions, which are imbedded in cellulose fiber and released continuously over a long period of time, BlueWish does not smell, needs less to be washed and therefore keeps longer.


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