PMMA, short for polymethyl methacrylate and also known as acrylic (glass) or plexiglas, is a thermoplastic often used as an alternative to glass due to its transparency, its light weight and its shatter-resistancy.
PMMA is more than just plastic and paint. Often, lubricating oils and hydraulic fluids tend to get really viscous and even gummy when they get really cold. This is a real pain when you're trying to operate heavy equipment in really cold weather. But when a little bit PMMA is dissolved in these oils and fluids, they don't get viscous in the cold, and machines can be operated down to -100°C (-150°F), that is, presuming the rest of the machine can take that kind of cold.
PMMA is a vinyl polymer, made by free radical vinyl polymerization from the monomer methyl methacrylate.