SWICOFIL - Yarn and fiber expert.


Experience the Swicofil world locally near you.
Experience the Swicofil world locally near you by contacting our agent in your country - competence at your service without the issue of time shift!

In countries that are not listed below, we do not have an exclusive agent yet. If you are interested and if you have an excellent knowledge of textile raw materials, if you are willing to develop a market, if you know the textile customers, you are kindly invited to apply to become the Swicofil agent in your country.


Contact: Nac Samarasekera (Sam)
Tel: +61 434 411656
Email: ceronus(at)bigpond.com
Australia and Swicofil - contact your local agent Sam Samarasekera


Contact: Noemi Izso
Tel: +36 1 4895611
Email: noemi.IZSO(at)solvay.com
Hungary and Swicofil - contact your local agent Noemi Izso


Contact: Morad Vakili
Tel: +98 21 88660495
Email: vakilitrading(at)gmail.com
Iran and Swicofil - contact your local agent Morad Vakili


Contact: Jhung Cha;
Helen Hwang
Tel: +82 2 34879955
Email: jcha(at)charmfibers.com; hrhwang(at)charmfibers.com
South Korea and Swicofil - contact your local agents Jhung Cha and Helen Hwang


Contact: Joy Varghese (sales);
Jain K. Kurain (techn.)
Tel: +965 3721128
Email: mediabkuwait(at)yahoo.com
Kuwait and Swicofil - contact your local agents Joy Varghese and Jain K. Kurain


Contact: Nac Samarasekera (Sam)
Tel: +61 434 411656
Email: ceronus(at)bigpond.com
New Zealand and Swicofil - contact your local agent Sam Samarasekera


Contact: Valentin Marcu
Tel: +40 21 2122874
Email: valentin.marcu(at)solvay.com
Romania and Swicofil - contact your local agent Valentin Marcu


Contact: June Martin
Tel: +27 31 572 3701/4
Email: admin(at)glenock.co.za
South Africa and Swicofil - contact your local agent June Martin
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