It is your duty to help us to keep the outstandings as low as possible by constantly reminding the customers and by assisting them in their returns.
YARN CARRIER RETURNS - how to properly pack returnable yarn carriers

- Normally the empties are charged to the customer when we invoice the goods. We shall refund the customer the value of the empties returned provided they arrive in a perfect shape. Non-invoiced empties of earlier supplies are and remain the property of Swicofil AG or the relevant supplier partner.
- Customers have to declare returnability of empties when they import the goods.
- Return freight has to be arranged and paid by the customer from his premises to the suppliers location. It is very important that Swicofil is informed immediately about any return shipments.
- Empties should be returned within 4 months of delivery to customer.
- Empties to be packed and arranged as per enclosed instructions.
- Whenever a return of empties is made you or customer should email: swicofil@swicofil.com all paperwork to us all details of shipment.
- Bills of ladings have to be issued as follows: Exceptions will be mentioned in our offer
Consignee: Swicofil AG, CH - 6021 Emmenbrücke/Switzerland
Notify: KOG Transport AG, Zugerstrasse 1, CH - 6330 Cham - Zug / Switzerland
2/3 of original B/L and commercial invoice should be sent by airmail to:
Swicofil AG , CH - 6021 Emmenbrücke
1/3 of original B/L and commercial invoice should accompany the goods by ships bag
Thank you very much for devoting your special attention to this important part of the business.