A conductive yarn that has elastic properties - an idea longhold by Swicofil and a dream of many yarn applying parties has now finally been realized.
We are proud to announce herewith the launch of SwicoSilver HiCon DC yarns - high conductive yarns with an dynamic property. The dynamicity enables the yarn to be applied in applications were differences of potential are crucial for the performance of the final product.
Interested? Please do not hesitate and contact us with your inquiry for SwicoSilver HiCon DC yarns!
What a week it was! We look back onto a TechTextil week that was filled with good and constructive talks, wonderful people, great ideas, fascinating new products, and a great time in Frankfurt. An overall successful week!
We would like to thank everyone who made this week to what it were - including SwissTextiles and Swiss Global Enterprise for the impeccable organisation. See you in April 2024 again!
We would like to thank everyone who made this week to what it were - including SwissTextiles and Swiss Global Enterprise for the impeccable organisation. See you in April 2024 again!
NEW PRODUCTS! (04. May 2021; ar)
The Swicofil product programme has grown!
As per May 2021, we are proud to welcome two new products in our product line as follows to further complete our product range as follows:
Please do not hesitate to browse around or to contact us in case of questions or interest.
As per May 2021, we are proud to welcome two new products in our product line as follows to further complete our product range as follows:
PBAT fibers and cable for applications where biodegradability are required
- all purpose retroreflective yarns
reflective yarns for every application your heart desires
Please do not hesitate to browse around or to contact us in case of questions or interest.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWICOFIL (05. October 2020; ar)
Swicofil turns 25!
As per 02.10.2020, we are very proud to say that we have been officially in business for 25 years - a quarter of a century! We would like to thank all our partners, customers, and friends for the support, the great projects and the wonderful relationships and are looking forward to the next 25 years!
As per 02.10.2020, we are very proud to say that we have been officially in business for 25 years - a quarter of a century! We would like to thank all our partners, customers, and friends for the support, the great projects and the wonderful relationships and are looking forward to the next 25 years!
New patented technology developed by the Serge Ferrari Group applied on composite membranes to eliminate durably coronavirus from surfaces.
Our partner for high tenacity polyester yarns and for plasma metal coated filament yarns, Serge Ferrari Tersuisse, announced it has successfully developed and patented a technology for composite materials, which reduces viral load of corona viruses. After a 15-minute contact time it reduces the load by 95% and after one-hour contact time it reduces it by 99.5%. This in comparison to an untreated membrane.
This technology was tested by Virhealth, a laboratory specialising in virucidal and bactericidal testing of decontamination/ disinfection technology.
Our partner for high tenacity polyester yarns and for plasma metal coated filament yarns, Serge Ferrari Tersuisse, announced it has successfully developed and patented a technology for composite materials, which reduces viral load of corona viruses. After a 15-minute contact time it reduces the load by 95% and after one-hour contact time it reduces it by 99.5%. This in comparison to an untreated membrane.
This technology was tested by Virhealth, a laboratory specialising in virucidal and bactericidal testing of decontamination/ disinfection technology.
The global health emergency we are experiencing today has highlighted two very delicate issues: hygiene and safety. It is important to carefully follow all forms of precaution in relation to daily cleaning and deep hygiene of the environments in which we live as well as the objects with which we are in contact.
In this scenario, the modern features of polypropylene emerge yet again in the current situation in which the consumer, in addition to aesthetic taste and comfort, gives the idea of "well-being" and health an even greater value.
In addition to the important prerogatives to be totally recyclable and to guarantee the best degree of sustainability among all natural and synthetic fibres (production requires lower temperatures than other polymers and reduced impact in terms of water, energy and CO2 emissions), polypropylene yarn is particularly suitable for the current health situation as it can be easily sanitized with 70% hydroalcoholic solution or with sodium hypochlorite up to 0.5%. This is the legal requirement in relation to sanitization and after tests conducted in our laboratory on fabrics, including intense colours, as well as light and dark, total resistance of the colour to washing and mechanical actions emerged.
To satisfy the new demands in terms of hygiene and environmental protection, the time has come to consider polypropylene as a fibre suitable for INDOOR use as well as for contract, residential or community use.
>> More about Polypropylene yarns
In this scenario, the modern features of polypropylene emerge yet again in the current situation in which the consumer, in addition to aesthetic taste and comfort, gives the idea of "well-being" and health an even greater value.
In addition to the important prerogatives to be totally recyclable and to guarantee the best degree of sustainability among all natural and synthetic fibres (production requires lower temperatures than other polymers and reduced impact in terms of water, energy and CO2 emissions), polypropylene yarn is particularly suitable for the current health situation as it can be easily sanitized with 70% hydroalcoholic solution or with sodium hypochlorite up to 0.5%. This is the legal requirement in relation to sanitization and after tests conducted in our laboratory on fabrics, including intense colours, as well as light and dark, total resistance of the colour to washing and mechanical actions emerged.
To satisfy the new demands in terms of hygiene and environmental protection, the time has come to consider polypropylene as a fibre suitable for INDOOR use as well as for contract, residential or community use.
>> More about Polypropylene yarns
Are you looking for antiviral fabrics? Copper as well as copper oxides have shown to be of antiviral effects, also for coronaviruses. In order for you to stay safe and to take advantage of these antiviral effects of copper, Swicofil together with Statex have developped copper coated fabrics.
Those fabrics can be further processes into covers for public transportation handles, covers for door handles or where ever you feel the hygiene standard could be improved.
Together, we can beat COVID-19!
Stay healthy, stay safe!
Click here for more information.
Those fabrics can be further processes into covers for public transportation handles, covers for door handles or where ever you feel the hygiene standard could be improved.
Together, we can beat COVID-19!
Stay healthy, stay safe!
Click here for more information.
WE ARE HERE FOR YOU (23. March 2020; ar)
Dear Swicofil customers, partners and interested parties,
Currently, we all are facing a difficult situation in regard of the new coronavirus and the related COVID-19 disease.
Please rest assured that regardless of the challenge this poses to us as a global community, we from Swicofil will continue the services and be there for you as always whilst highly following all governmental and international recommendation in terms of prevention and safety for
Currently, we all are facing a difficult situation in regard of the new coronavirus and the related COVID-19 disease.
Please rest assured that regardless of the challenge this poses to us as a global community, we from Swicofil will continue the services and be there for you as always whilst highly following all governmental and international recommendation in terms of prevention and safety for
all our staff and partners. This includes social distancing such as home office measurements.
Despite all our efforts, we kindly ask you for your comprehension should things take longer than usually. We do everything in our ability in order to meet your requirements and to serve you as usual!
Stay in good health and we are looking forward to hearing from you!
Your Swicofil team
Despite all our efforts, we kindly ask you for your comprehension should things take longer than usually. We do everything in our ability in order to meet your requirements and to serve you as usual!
Stay in good health and we are looking forward to hearing from you!
Your Swicofil team
INCOTERMS 2020 (22. January 2020; ar)
Swicofil is pleased to announce that per immediate action, we work by the newly released Incoterms 2020. Interested what this means and what are the novelties that are introduced by the Incoterms 2010 successor? If so, then check out the International Chamber of Commerce website, which can be found here!
SWICOFIL AT TECHTEXTIL (24. April 2019; ar)
HAPPY NEW YEAR (21.December 2018; ar)
We have pleasure to say "Thank you" for everything in this highly educative 2018 and we expect a successful and exciting 2019. The door is wide open for all new orders and wishes from you.
Just to mention your business, the meetings and discussions, your kindness and friendship, your support and loyalty - thank you.
Wishing 2019 to be full of great solutions and abundant opportunities and of course full of happiness, good health and success. Seasons greetings to your staff and to your family members.
Just to mention your business, the meetings and discussions, your kindness and friendship, your support and loyalty - thank you.
Wishing 2019 to be full of great solutions and abundant opportunities and of course full of happiness, good health and success. Seasons greetings to your staff and to your family members.

The delivery situation for PA 6.6 raw material has come to a critical point that makes it difficult to guarantee supply for future orders of PA 6.6 yarn.
In the past we have communicated that the main suppliers of PA 6.6 raw material have declared “Force majeure” on PA 6.6. The situation looks very much like lasting well into the future. Once the current production limitation will be solved, the largest European producer of ADN (Butachimie/FR) have planned to shut down their largest reactor for a retrofit in Q2/2019. This results again in a reduction of
capacity of >120’000 tons of ADN - equivalent of approximately 250’000 tons of PA6.6 polymer - will not be available for the market.
In the past we have communicated that the main suppliers of PA 6.6 raw material have declared “Force majeure” on PA 6.6. The situation looks very much like lasting well into the future. Once the current production limitation will be solved, the largest European producer of ADN (Butachimie/FR) have planned to shut down their largest reactor for a retrofit in Q2/2019. This results again in a reduction of
capacity of >120’000 tons of ADN - equivalent of approximately 250’000 tons of PA6.6 polymer - will not be available for the market.
You need the perfect combination of high conductvitiy and characteristics of a textile yarn? - SwicoSilver HiCon!
SwicoSilver HiCon yarn for applications where extraordinarily high conductivity and textile flexibility as well as robustness are required (> 0.05 ohm/cm).
Click here for more information on SwicoSilver HiCon yarns or contact us!
SwicoSilver HiCon yarn for applications where extraordinarily high conductivity and textile flexibility as well as robustness are required (> 0.05 ohm/cm).
Click here for more information on SwicoSilver HiCon yarns or contact us!
We regret to inform that the supply of casein / milk fibers and yarns is currently strongly restricted worldwide. We expect the lead times to normalize earliest in March 2019.
We try however everything in our power to accelerate things and to ensure a quick fix of these circumstances so that we will be able to supply you with casein fibers and yarns the earliest. In the meantime, please contact us for possible replacements such as soybean fiber or other.
We sincerely apologize for these circumstances and thank you for your comprehension.
Your Swicofil team
We try however everything in our power to accelerate things and to ensure a quick fix of these circumstances so that we will be able to supply you with casein fibers and yarns the earliest. In the meantime, please contact us for possible replacements such as soybean fiber or other.
We sincerely apologize for these circumstances and thank you for your comprehension.
Your Swicofil team
In case you are urgently looking for some information that were on the old website, however are not yet to be found on the new website or if you used our website as a reference in a paper:
Our old website is online again - however at a new place. Please refer to old.swicofil.com in case of such an emergency. Everything has stayed the same there except for the prefix "old.".
It will stay online until the new homepage will be fully fitted with every piece of information one could retrieve from the old one.
Your Swicofil team
Your Swicofil team
In case you have been a Swicofil customer for a long time, you maybe might already have noticed that there is not yet every material listed yet in our product list on the new homepage. But no worries! This does not mean that we have reduced our product programme!
We are still continuously perfectioning our homepage to include every bit of information available - this however means things take some time in regard of our very limited number of staff (and as we still would like to pursue our daily business - meaning helping you finding the perfect yarn or fiber solution to your project).
We are still continuously perfectioning our homepage to include every bit of information available - this however means things take some time in regard of our very limited number of staff (and as we still would like to pursue our daily business - meaning helping you finding the perfect yarn or fiber solution to your project).
Step by step, products will therefore be updated respectively added.
Furthermore, we are currently still waiting for a DNS entry for our old website so that our customers and everyone interested can retrieve information in case it would be urgent. We hope that the responsible company will soon act upon our request as we have been waiting for this DNS entry for quite some time now.
Therefore please do not hesitate and contact us in the meantime with your request for more information on a specific material!
Furthermore, we are currently still waiting for a DNS entry for our old website so that our customers and everyone interested can retrieve information in case it would be urgent. We hope that the responsible company will soon act upon our request as we have been waiting for this DNS entry for quite some time now.
Therefore please do not hesitate and contact us in the meantime with your request for more information on a specific material!
For your information, it is planned that until Friday (31.August 2018) the following materials will be completed / go online:
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Your Swicofil team
- chitin / chitosan
- nettle
- paper yarn
- bamboo
- hemp yarn
- stainless steel yarn
- silk
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Your Swicofil team
WELCOME TO A NEW ERA (26. August 2018; ar)
Welcome to the new Swicofil homepage!
After a long due make over, hundreds of hours of planning and realizing and a lot of concentration, sweat and effort, we are proud to present our new website.
After a long due make over, hundreds of hours of planning and realizing and a lot of concentration, sweat and effort, we are proud to present our new website.
Please feel free to browse around and to discover every aspect.
We put all our heart in in order for you to experience the Swicofil world the easiest way possible.
We put all our heart in in order for you to experience the Swicofil world the easiest way possible.
In case you have got any question or feedback, please feel free to contact us.
We love to serve you well!
Your Swicofil team
We love to serve you well!
Your Swicofil team