SWICOFIL - Yarn and fiber expert.


Yarn and fibers for warming effects.
Yarn and fibers for warming effects.
Yarn and fibers with a warming effect for when you feel extra warm? No problem, with Swicofil. Swicofil and its plattform partners are here to support you in your developments and product needs. 


Swicofil offers yarn and fibers with warming effects as follows:
  • Litrax L2 Thermo 
    Enriched with various additives, Litrax L2 thermo is worldwide the most rapid and strong warming up yarn of additional 13.8°C within 10 minutes. 

    Optimal for thin padded winter jackets with high insulation capacity, excellent for underwear, pyjamas or sports clothing.
  • Cell Solution clima

CONTACT US  for more information or if you are interested in warming yarn or fibers.

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