A conveyor belt is the carrying medium of a conveyor belt system. A belt conveyor system consists of two or more pulleys (sometimes referred to as drums), with an endless loop of carrying medium—the conveyor belt—that rotates about them. Conveyor belt (systems) are usually used in automated distribution and warehousing
Conveyor belts differentiate themselves from each other by three main characteristics:
- construction
Conveyor belts are either made with PVC or then rubber, depending on the end application of the conveyor belt. Normally, conveyor belts are made by rubber belts, as rubber is flexible within a wide temperature range / during prolonged use, has a high tear strength as well as a high friction coefficient.
PVC on the other hand is used when safety has a high priority, due to PVC's inherent flame retardancy.
- reinforcement
How is the rubber / PVC coating reinforced? There are various materials to do so (please see below).
- service
Meaning where the conveyor belt finds its end use. Possiblities include mining, bulk goods handling, the food insutry or low temperature service.