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You were being redirected to this page due to ambiguity of the term "Nylon".
"Nylon" refers to a familiy of products, the Polyamides, and therefore comprises various materials. Although chemically similar, the various Polyamides have different characteristics thanks to the ration of carbon atoms in the diamine and dibasic acid monomers.

In order to serve you perfectly and to prevent mistakes or misunderstandings from happening straight from the beginning, we kindly advise you to further precise the material you are looking for. 

For your reference, Nylon is most likely to be used for one the below listed two materials:

  • Polyamide 6 (PA6)
    Invented with the intention to copy the characteristics of Polyamide 6.6 without patent-infringement. Polyamide 6 is produced by ring-opening polymerization of caprolactam. Has a lower metling point and is easier to yarn dye compared to PA66.
  • Polyamide 6.6 (PA66)
    "The original", invented by Wallace Carothers for DuPont.  Polyamide 6.6 is synthesized by polycondensation of hexamethylenediamine as well as adipic acid. Has a higher melting point than PA6, is however harder to yarn dye in comparison.

Did you mean another material? Nylon is sometimes also used for one of the other Polyamide's as follows:
  • Polyamide 11
    good chemical and thermal resistance, dimensional stability, low density
  • Polyamide 12
    very low water absorption as well as very low melting point
  • Polyamide 4.6
    heat resistant, good dimensional stability, rather high melting point as well as degree of cristallinity
  • Polyamide 6.10
    low moisture absorption, good property retention when wet, low melting point
  • Polyamide 6.12
    good dimensional stability, resistant to heat, moisture and most chemicals
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